


ONCE there were four children whose names were Peter,Susan,Edmund,and Lucy,and it has been told in another book called The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe how they had a remarkable adventure.They had opened the door of a magic wardrobe and found themselves in a quite different world from ours,and in that different world they had become Kings and Queens in a country called Narnia.While they were in Narnia they seemed to reign for years and years; but when they came back through the door and found themselves in England again,it all seemed to have taken no time at all.At any rate,no one noticed that they had ever been away,and they never told anyone except one very wise grown-up.

That had all happened a year ago,and now all four of them were sitting on a seat at a railway station with trunks and playboxes piled up round them.They were,in fact,on their way back to school.They had travelled together as far as this station,which was a junction; and here,in a few minutes,one train




小公主被全员读心后,暴君宠疯了 电影世界逍遥行 逢春 听说你要重建帝国 蔷薇庄园 透视异能:窦小宝的精彩人生 被偏执女主缠上后[快穿]